A Young Victoria stars Emily Blunt as Queen Victoria, England's longest reigning monarch. The film follows the young Queen in the very early years of her reign as she takes the throne, faces much adversity due to her youth, and also learns many hard lessons from those trying to manipulate her and her power. The film also stars Rupert Friend as Prince Albert and Paul Bettany as Lord Melbourne. The film which was written by Julian Fellowes, writer of Gosford Park and Vanity Fair, is as well done as any period piece. Save for a few awkward cut away scenes, the film carries the audience with it at a nice pace. The short fall of it all is a lack of a major occurrance. The swells and breaks are minor, with no significant shocks, common in many films that pride themselves in historical accuracy.
The reasons to see this film are to take in the magnificent costumes done by Sandy Powell, oscar winning costume designer of Shakespeare in Love and Gangs of New York. Also Emily Blunt's performance is captivating and landed her the Golden Globe nomination, although I do not think it strong enough to take the win amongst her other contenders.
The film is out today in limited release throughout the United States. Checkout the trailer below as well as an interview with Emily Blunt & Rupert Friend by CBCtv: